La Ritzy – October 2016

capture_2016-10-27-16-57-34.png.pngHello guys! I have another La Ritzy bag to show off to you guys today! I don’t really understand what is going on with their subscription service, which is probably my fault for skimming through their emails instead of actually reading it through. After a survey with their costumers, they decided that going forward, everyone only gets one product at a lowered price and anyone who was on a subscription ended up getting a gift card for use in their store. I was fully prepared to be disappointed and only recieving one item but then I opened the package and there were three lovely things in here waiting for me! I really liked this month’s picks, they’re all everything that I would use on a daily basis.

capture_2016-10-27-16-55-59.png.pngOn top of that, they might have changed up their product packaging and it is much more fun and colourful as opposed to the all black packaging from the last bag – not that there is anything wrong with the all black packaging, but I just really enjoyed their use of colours in this month’s packaging. They’re just these beautiful, soft, pastel-y colours and I don’t know. Maybe I’m obsessed with the soft pastel like colours. And maybe I am the only one who is excited about packaging that’s going to end up in recycling anyway, but regardless, I loved it. Anyway, I digress. Here’s a look into this month’s October bag!

My favourite in this bag is the gorgeous blush in Surrender, I love that it is so soft looking on me cheeks. I always feel like a clown when I’m wearing blush even though I don’t have a lot of it on and maybe because I’ve never found the right colour for me, but this one just looks so gorgeous! I tried to do a swab for you guys, but the colour was too light and I couldn’t get it to show through in the camera lens!capture_2016-10-27-17-07-45.png.png

The next item is the Long Lash mascara, which I love because my eye lashes are super short and anything that helps make them not stubbly is a plus. I had to use a few coats to help it out, but it was fine. The only thing that bothered me was that it is not waterproof and I wore this yesterday when it was super rainy and gross and i had mascara smudged on my face 😦 But that would have happened with any non-waterproof mascara that I  own!capture_2016-10-27-17-09-09.png.png

The final product is this fun Metallic Mauve Lip Gloss. So I did not love this colour on its own, BUT when I used it on top of the Red Apple Lipstick from the Petit Vour box, I really enjoyed liked how it looked. So I might start wearing it on top of some of my other colours too see what happens.

So that’s it for this box! We will see what happens next moth if I end up getting a full three product bag or just a one product bag! If you liked any of these items, you can always get them online in the LaRitzy store!

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